What is eating in moderation? What is moderation? Basically, it means eating just as much food as your body needs. You should feel fulfilled by the time you finish your meal, however not stuffed. For a significant number of us, moderate eating means eating small of what we eat now. However, it doesn’t mean totally cutting off foods that you like. For instance, having French toast or parathas for breakfast once every week could be viewed as a control if you track it with a healthy lunch and dinner, but it’s not balanced when you have it with heavy cheesy burgers or ice cream sandwiches.

In this blog, we have discussed why eating in moderation is important and how to practice that. By the end of the blog, there are some tips that will help control overeating and keep your diet according to plan. Let’s start:

Don’t label certain foods as “beyond reach”
When you boycott certain foods, it’s normal to need those foods more, and afterwards, feel like a disappointment if you surrender to binge or emotional eating. Start by reducing meal portion sizes of unhealthy foods and not eating them as regularly. As you decrease your portion sizes and intake of unhealthy foods, you may end up desiring them less or thinking about them just occasional guilty pleasures.

Take smaller portion
Serving sizes have swelled as of late. When feasting out, pick a starter rather than a course, don’t order anything supersized and don’t eat all on your own. At home, measure portions using measurement scales or cards. Trick your mind by serving in small plate or bowl so it looks filled. Take smaller portions and your meal should have portions of every essential nutrient like protein, carbs, dairy, healthy fats, vitamins, and leafy green vegetables. UseGospark app for great deals and discounts on some healthy food products.

Take your time and slow down
It’s essential to slow down and consider food values instead of only something to swallow down in the middle of gatherings or while commuting. It really takes a couple of minutes for your brain to signal to your body that it has had enough food, so eat gradually and quit eating before you feel full.

Keep limited snacks at home
Be cautious about the foods you keep within reach i.e; snacks. It’s all the more testing to eat with some restraint if you have unhealthy snacks and treats at your home. Rather, encircle yourself with healthy food choices and when you feel like eating something or on a cheat day, go out and get it.

These were the basics. Here are some tips to avoid overeating or snacking:

1- Try not to eat alone. Eat with others when possible. Eating alone in front of the TV or computer, you take excessive unwanted calories by mindless overeating.

2- Take quick healthy snacks throughout the day like dried fruits, fruits, greek yoghurt and fresh smoothie. This stops overeating because eating after long gaps lead to overeating.

3- Stop emotional eating. Eating in stress or depression leads to overeating.

4- Eat healthy breakfast and take smaller meals throughout the day. This fastens metabolism and keeps you energized for the day.

5- Your eating time really matters because it’s not what you eat, but when you eat. Don’t eat late at night and if you feel the real urge to eat something, go for healthy choices like dry fruits or a fresh smoothie (low in sugar). Try to have dinner before 8 pm. Give your digestive system break.

6- Drink plenty of water. Water keeps you hydrated and filled too.

Start eating healthy with moderation from today.

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