Although many consider dentistry as merely the study of the teeth and the treatment of tooth decay, this is a minimal view of dentistry. Dentistry also introduced to as dental medicine, is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, inhibition, and treatment of conditions and disorders in the oral cavity and nearby structures. The latter includes the head, jaw, face, neck, tongue and salivary glands.

If patients are with a bleeding disorder, the dentist should work with the hemophilia therapy center to get information about their bleeding disorder and medical reports. To know more, you can follow the Hematology Journal which provides you more details about hematology disorders.

Here you can know some of the common procedure that is done by the dentistry are:

If you have a cracked, chipped, or colored tooth, a cosmetic dental scheme like tooth bonding can give you the confidence to flash those pearly whites. Bonding is the form of a tooth-colored composite resin (plastic) to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or discolored tooth.

This procedure made in a laboratory and require a customized mold to obtain a proper fit, bonding can be done in a single visit. The method is called bonding because of the material bonds to the tooth.

Crowns and Caps:
A dental crown is a “cap” set over a tooth. When cemented into place, crowns entirely encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and beyond the gum line. The document lists conditions in which crowns may be needed.

Crowns are prepared with several types of materials. They are metal alloys, porcelain, ceramics, porcelain fused to metal, or composite resin may be used. When a crown is made, the material often is colored to combine in with your natural teeth.


Braces work by usually gradually moving the position of your teeth. They are mainly known for straightening crooked teeth, but they can be applied for a bunch of other things too, such as correcting over/underbites, to make space for misbehaving wisdom teeth or to correct fix jaw problems.

If a tooth is cracked or damaged by decay, your dentist will try to fix it with a filling, crown or other procedures. If there is something wrong or to much damage for the tooth to be improved. In this case, the tooth requires to be extracted. A very loose tooth also will require extraction if it can’t be saved, yet with bone replacement surgery.

Fillings The Gaps Between Teeth:
A filling is a way to replace a tooth infected by decay back to its natural function and shape. When a dentist provides you a filling, he or she first removes the decayed tooth and cleans the affected area, and later fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material.


By closing off areas where bacteria can enter, a filling also helps prevent further decay. Materials used for fillings consider gold, porcelain, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and an amalgam.

Gum Surgery:
There are various types of gum surgeries that your dentist might suggest if you have developed gum disease. The most usual cause of gum disease is when extreme bacteria build up in your mouth and creates an excess plate, and your body is unable to fight the infection.

Certain factors, however, including medications and chronic illnesses, can make someone more sensitive to gum disease even if he or she develops a thorough oral care routine. To know more you can visit Dentistry Journal that provides you the detailed information.

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