Fast loading pages improve user experience, grow your pageviews, as well as help with your WordPress SEO. In this article, we will share the most helpful WordPress speed optimization tips to improve WordPress performance as well as speed up your website.

Select a better web hosting providing service
The main thing that influences the speed of a WordPress website is the hosting of your site. This might seem like a perfect thought to host your fresh website on a shared hosting provider which provide “limitless” bandwidth, space, emails, domains as well as more. However, the point that we characteristically miss out on concerning this offer is that shared hosting environments fail to deliver better loading times on peak traffic hours, as well as most fail to offer 90 percent uptime in any given month.

You should utilize a lightweight WordPress theme
There are a ton of huge bloated WP themes out there. Many theme designers as well as developers like to include different elements as well as ideal features into their themes however those may make your site extremely slow. It’s ideal to opt a lightweight, minimal theme as well as then utilize plugins or hire a developer to expand your site’s functionality as you need instead of beginning your site with a hundred features you never employ.

Install a caching plugin

Caching plugins may be a perfect for your website; these plugins generate static copies of your webpage content, and instead of making to and fro queries to the database, utilise the static versions to instantly showcase the web content to users. Since you ordinarily won’t update your web pages daily, caching shows to be very useful for almost all web pages, always.

Among the several caching plugins you may use, WOT Cache Plugin enjoys a lot of trust and popularity. Among its many features are:

• Combines CSS and Javascript files
• Leverages the power of page caching as well as browser caching
• Utilizes lazy load to especially improve the page load time
• Aids with database optimization and removes query strings from CSS/Javascript files
• Saves a lot of bandwidth by dropping the file size of the webpages.

Decrease image sizes

Pictures are the major contributors to size growth of a offered webpage. The trick is to decrease the size of the picures without compromising on the quality.

If you physically optimize the images utilizing Chrome Photoshop or Page Speed Insights extension or any other program the procedure will take a long time. Fortunately, there are plugins obtainable for just about everything you may think of, including image optimization.

• Optimole
• EWWW Image Optimizer
• WP Smush

Utilizing any of the above mentioned plugins on your WordPress site will radically decrease image sizes, thus improving the speed of your website.

Keep external scripts to a minimum

The practices of external scripts on your web pages attach a large chunk of data to your entirety loading time. Thus, it is magnificent to utilize a low number of scripts, with only the essentials such as tracking programs (such as Google Analytics) or commenting systems.

Author Bio

Naveen Kumar is internet marketing expert as well as CEO of JDM Web Technologies. He is qualified as well as well experienced in ORM, SEO, PPC, SMO, WordPress Web Design as well as content writing. He has good knowledge of internet marketing.

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